Minyoung Lee writes fiction and essays in Oakland, CA. Her work appears in TriQuarterly, Passages North, and North American Review, among others, and has been anthologized in Best Microfiction. Her prose chapbook Claim Your Space was published by Fear No Lit as part of the Submerging Writer Fellowship, which she won in 2019. She is writing a novel based on her experience working on an offshore oil platform off the Louisiana coast.
Minyoung’s work has received support from Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Tin House Summer Workshop, VONA Summer Workshop, American Short Fiction Workshop, Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference, Association of Writers & Writing Programs, Antenna: Spillways, the Wellstone Center in the Redwoods, On Deck Writers, the Center for Cultural Innovation, and San Francisco State University. She is a member of The Ruby, a women’s arts and letters collective in San Francisco.
Born in Seoul, Minyoung has lived in fourteen cities across four countries. She shares her home with Betty, a stubby longhaired cat from California.