Photo Credit: Sana Javeri Kadri

Minyoung Lee writes fiction in San Francisco, CA. Her work appears in MoonPark Review, Vestal Review, JMWW, and others. Her forthcoming prose chapbook, Claim Your Space, tells the classic coming-of-age story using experimental narrative that plays with time, memory, and space. She is also writing a novel based on her experience working on an offshore oil platform off the Louisiana coast.

Minyoung is a Tin House Summer Workshop Alum, a Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference – Hether Ludwick First Taste Scholar, and Fear No Lit Submerging Writer Fellow. She is a fiction reader for the online literary journal Longleaf Review and a member of The Ruby, a women’s arts and letters collective in San Francisco. She holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University and an MBA from The University of Chicago.

She is a fiction reader for the online literary magazine Longleaf Review and a member of The Ruby, an arts and letters collective of Bay Area women of all definitions.

Born in Seoul, South Korea, Minyoung also lived in New Zealand, Israel, and six different US States. She shares her home with Matisse, an elderly calico cat from Texas. She currently works in the tech industry.
